Do you belong to a faith community and wonder where to begin on environmental and climate issues? 

If you belong to a community of faith and have recently been thinking about creating an environmental or climate project, welcome! Here are links, ideas, inspiration and resources for you to get started!

First of all, remember:

You Are Not Alone!

Watch our two part series where faith leaders discuss the resources they draw on to carry out their environmental work:

Now, you can begin the process! Here are some steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a topic that you are passionate about! Here are a few that we talk about but there are many many environmental and social topics to consider.

  • Energy

  • Forests and Biodiversity

  • Disaster Preparedness

  • Health & Wellness

  • Water

Step 2: Choose a project! You can scroll down to see the lists of project ideas for the topics we named above.

Step 3: Activate members of your community. 

  • Meet with the leadership of your faith community to discuss your idea

  • Establish a dedicated team of people who care about these issues to meet regularly

  • Organize an event with professional guest speakers to raise awareness

  • Raise funding either from the community or from local sponsors for a pilot project

  • Look for experts in your community, reach out to other faith groups if you cant find what you seek in yours

  • Connect with other faith communities doing similar work to create a network

Step 4 (Optional): Reach out for Reinforcement

  • Loka’s mission is to support faith-led environmental and climate efforts locally and around the world by helping build capacity of faith leaders and culture keepers of Indigenous traditions, and by creating new opportunities for projects, partnerships and public outreach. If you are looking for advice, email us at


Project ideas for topics listed above:

  • Energy

How can we minimize our footprint? 

Carbon calculator 

How can we contribute to fossil fuel divestment? Divesting fossil fuels is not as intimidating or as expensive as the media will have you believe! Did you know as of December 2023, 1,600 institutions and organizations have divested from fossil fuels? Estimated divested funds total $41 trillion dollars, with faith-based organizations representing a full 35.7% of that total. You can join this movement!

Smaller Project Inspiration: Make the Switch to Renewable Energy

For most electric companies, all it takes is a request and a form submission to switch electrical energy from fossil fuel based to renewable. Here is an example from Madison Gas & Electric on how to make the switch to renewable energy: 

Smaller Project Inspiration: Introduce Motion Activated Lights or Light Timers

A lot of energy can be wasted from having lights on when no one is actively using the space between meetings or when lights are left on after hours. Here is the International Dark Sky Association with Light Pollution Soultions: 

Larger Project Inspiration: Install Solar Panels

Let us turn your attention to Interfaith Power and Light. They have multiple programs in place to help congregations divest from fossil fuels and take on renewable energy solutions. Installing solar panels will also help to decrease energy bills! Here is a link to their take on congregational solar: 

  • Forests and Biodiversity

How can we conserve and restore the land we worship on?

Ecological restoration is possible for all lands! There are many examples of faith communities taking on restoration projects and succeeding. 

Smaller Project Inspiration: Pollinator Gardens and Reintroducing Native Plants

Pollinators are critical for biodiversity and food security; they are also often a powerful symbol of rebirth and spirituality. Adding a pollinator garden to your faith property combines beautification, community outreach, and ecological support for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. They need our help; pollinator populations are in decline. Here is an organization, “Faith & the Common Good” that has resources for getting started: 

Larger Project Inspiration: Native Habitat Restoration

Let us introduce you to Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton Wisconsin. Holy Wisdom, home of Benedictine Women of Madison and a community of ecumenical sisters, weave prayer, hospitality, justice and care for the earth into a shared way of life. Read more about how they engage with their land here: 

  • Disaster Preparedness

How can we learn about disaster preparedness?  There are many faith organizations that have set a precedent for disaster relief and preparedness. Take a look through our suggestions to see how prepared your faith community is in comparison. 

Smaller Project Inspiration: Create an Emergency Natural Disaster Fund

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) President Archbishop José Gomez called upon dioceses across the country to support the USCCB Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund (BEDF) for the humanitarian and Church needs in the wake of this disaster and others that might follow. Donations to the BEDF will support the emergency responses of our partners at Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as well as the pastoral and reconstruction efforts of the United States bishops. Read for more inspiration: 

Larger Project Inspiration: Train for Disaster Response and Rescues

When an emergency strikes, time is a critical factor in being able to save lives. Trapped, injured, scared, and in danger, getting the appropriate help to people as fast as possible is essential. There is a Muslim global aid fund to ensure that aid workers are able to respond on the ground within 72 hours of a global emergency, distributing emergency aid to those most in need. Aid workers are trained in CPR, first aid, and proper food distribution systems. Read more: 

  • Health & Wellness

How can we make concious food choices? Many Jewish communities follow a Kosher diet. Many Muslim communities follow a Halaal diet. Many Hindus and Buddhists follow vegeterian or even vegan diets. All of these diets offer a more sustainable perspective on food than what is typically commercialized. Read more:  

Smaller Project Inspiration: Make More Local Food Choices

Understanding where food comes from is a major part of switching to more sustainable food options. Consider creating a community vegetable garden, supporting local farmers, and setting up donations from local grocery stores throwing away “imperfect foods”. Read more about preventing food waste: 

Larger Project Inspiration: Create a Vegetatrian or Vegan Kitchen

The Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA) is an international, non-denominational ministry of believers dedicated to respectfully promoting healthy, Christ-centered and God-honoring living among Christians. They advocate nutritious plant-based diets in the global Christian community. Through publications, websites, and related public information campaigns, they educate people about the distinct health, environmental, and animal-related advantages of plant-based eating. Read more: 

  • Water 

How can we mitigate water pollution and waste? Water is vital for most spiritualities and religions as well as for human health and environmental health. Mitigation of water pollution and waste can occur in many forms. Read more about how water pollution devastates faith communities: 

Smaller Project Inspiration: Audit Water Amount

Updating faucets and toilets may be one of the best ways to reduce the amount of water used by a community. Modern faucets and toilets are designed to reduce water waste and will also prevent water waste from leaks. Read more from the United States Environmental Protection Agency: and 

Smaller Project Inspiration: Audit Water Quality 

In recent years there has been major concern over water quality due to environmental pollution from runoff. Fertilizers from agricultural to residential lawn carehave led to drinking water that is hazardous to human health. Read more from the United States Environmental Protection Agency on how to audit your water: 

Larger Project Inspiration: Collect Rainwater for Gardening

Rainwater is an important resource that often goes unused, and rainwater harvesting provides households and businesses with an extra supply of water that can be used for watering plants or landscaping. By installing a rain barrel system correctly, we can start harvesting rainwater and making use of excess water that would normally be storm-water runoff. Read more: 

Want More Topics?

Drawdown is a great resource with many solutions both small and large for mitigating the climate crisis. Find out more: